Rukia Nakadama applauds Roofings for supporting the needy

 Rukia Nakadama applauds Roofings for supporting the needy

Nakadama received some of the wheelchairs from Roofings’ Group Corporate Affairs Manager, Stuart Mwesigwa

On September 13, Rukia Nakadama Isanga, Uganda’s third deputy prime minister and minister without portfolio, called on corporate companies to increase their support for people living with disabilities.

Her appeal came during a wheelchair handover ceremony for children with disabilities at the ongoing Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Conference held at Imperial Resort Hotel, Entebbe.

The event is organized by the Ministry of Gender, Labor, and Social Development.

Nakadama expressed her gratitude to Roofings Group for their significant donation of modern wheelchairs, urging other corporate entities to follow their example.

“Roofings Group’s donation is a beacon of hope and empowerment for children with disabilities,” she said.

The minister emphasized the importance of the CBR approach in creating awareness and combating stigma associated with disabilities in Uganda.

She noted that the donated wheelchairs are not merely mobility aids but symbols of possibility, providing children with disabilities a new outlook on life.

“These wheelchairs enable these children to dream of a brighter, more inclusive future,” she added.

Speaking on behalf of Roofings Group, Corporate Affairs Manager Stuart Jason Mwesigwa reaffirmed the company’s commitment to community support through its corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs.

“As a company, we believe that supporting children today is about shaping tomorrow’s leaders who will positively impact their communities. This donation reflects our dedication to economic and social development in Uganda,” Mwesigwa said.

Mwesigwa also highlighted the connection between the donation and Roofings’ support of the Buy Uganda, Build Uganda initiative.

He explained that the wheelchairs were produced in a Ugandan workshop established in partnership with Kyaninga Mobility in 2023.

The workshop produces durable, easy-to-repair wheelchairs locally, in line with Roofings’ commitment to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“This initiative directly supports SDG 3 for Good Health and Well-being, SDG 5 for Gender Equality, and SDG 10 for Reduced Inequalities,” Mwesigwa said, “Emphasizing the broader impact of the donation on Uganda’s development.”

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