Jubilee Insurance hosts Miria Matembe ahead of Women’s Day celebrations

 Jubilee Insurance hosts Miria Matembe ahead of Women’s Day celebrations

Matembe addressing Jubilee Insurance ladies earlier today

Today, Jubilee Insurance welcomed Miria Matembe, a former legislator and minister, to address its female employees ahead of Women’s Day, which falls tomorrow on March 8.

Matembe, renowned for her leadership in women’s issues, offered guidance to the staff on defining their life’s purpose to earn public respect.

Matembe delivered her insights during a special event organized by Jubilee Insurance in observance of International Women’s Day (IWD) at the company’s headquarters in Kampala on March 7.

She emphasized the importance of self-respect and urged the women to lead purposeful lives, rooted in faith and harmlessness.

Matembe encouraged a spirit of collaboration rather than competition among colleagues, advising them to focus on their tasks and support each other.

Regarding marital relationships, Matembe advised female employees to recognize and cherish the positive qualities in their husbands for enduring partnerships.

She shared her own experience of maintaining a successful marriage for 48 years by emphasizing the importance of overlooking minor flaws.

Camilla Mindru, the Marketing and Communications Manager at Jubilee Insurance, highlighted the significance of role models like Miria Matembe for young female employees seeking guidance in defining their life goals.

Jubilee Insurance reaffirmed its commitment to supporting women’s empowerment in alignment with its business objectives, echoing the global theme for International Women’s Day 2024: “Inspire Inclusion.”

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