Ekisaakaate: Good gesture as Finance Trust Bank, and others engage learners  

 Ekisaakaate: Good gesture as Finance Trust Bank, and others engage learners  

Learners showcased different goods at the event

Finance Trust Bank was among the companies that equipped learners with business and economics knowledge at the recently concluded ‘Ekisaakaate kya Nnaabagereka 2024 held at Hormisdallen School in Gayaza, some 20km out of Kampala city centre.

The other companies include the Uganda Revenue Authority and National Drug Authority. The trainees targeted learners so they become responsible citizens.

The two-week event was held under the theme “Okulafuubanira obuntubulamu,” which translates to “Promoting the essence of humanity.” 

It was the 17th edition and ran for two weeks. It was closed by the Katikkiro (Prime Minister) of Buganda, Charles Peter Mayiga.

Queen Sylvia Nagginda, Nalinya Agnes Nabaloga, and Uganda Revenue Authority Executive Director, John Musinguzi were among the distinguished guests who attended the popular Buganda event.

Students at all levels exhibited what they had learned, and the winners were awarded prizes.

In his remarks, Mayiga urged parents to take some time to train their children to navigate the world. He emphasised that participating in Ekisaakaate provides numerous benefits, including learning social values, making friends, interacting with people, understanding what is right to do, learning the importance of rest, and developing qualities like responsibility, openness, honesty, leadership, cleanliness, fairness, and obedience.

He stressed the importance of parents instilling morality in their children from an early age and encouraged them to pay attention to issues of discipline and child-rearing.

Mayiga thanked the Queen for the Ekisaakaate program, acknowledging its significant contribution to educating children.

Newton Kasasa, recognised as the best student, was presented with a bicycle donated by Nnaalinnya Agnes Nabaloga.


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