Global leaders unite to build a better marketplace and future for consumers 

 Global leaders unite to build a better marketplace and future for consumers 

Willard Mwemba

 Over 300 attendees are taking part in Consumers International’s Global Congress 2023, the only international event which joins the leading consumer organisations – those mandated to protect consumer rights – together with government, business, civil society, and academia.

The leaders will address the top issues facing consumers including the cost of living, sustainable consumption, energy transitions, food systems, digital rights, and the future of finance.

“As we enter 2024, climate and post-pandemic crises will continue to harm both planet and people in the marketplace. The Global Congress provides a unique opportunity to share a vivid picture of the global consumer experience and to build and action solutions which make a difference for people,” said Helena Leurent, Director-General, of Consumers International.

The event is being held for the second time in Africa in partnership with the Competition Authority of Kenya and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Competition Commission. For three days over 20 panel debates, workshops, and plenaries will include senior representation from Kenyan, African, and global decision-makers.

The event will explore topics such as the measures policymakers and businesses need to take to help people manage the cost of living, have access to essential needs, live more sustainably, switch to clean energy, and know that the food they eat has been sourced sustainably and is healthy. It will explore modern marketplace issues such as how consumers can be protected and seek redress in an age of AI and cross-border data flows.

Eminent speakers at the Global Congress include Shaka Kariuki Chairman, Competition Authority of Kenya; Willard Mwemba, Director and Chief Executive Officer, COMESA Competition Commission, Rebecca Kelly Slaughter, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission (USA); Bob Hedges, Chief Data Officer, Visa; and Gilly Wong, Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong Consumer Council.

Joint calls and new global initiatives will be launched that unite the consumer movement, government, and business to prevent scams, deliver a better food system, enable effective redress, and amplify the consumer voice in international dialogue. New consumer insight will be released to pinpoint the top consumer issues for the coming year, and good practice case studies will be shared on practical and business model innovations in global energy and finance systems.

Dr Adano Roba, Acting Director General, Competition Authority of Kenya said, We are proud to support the Global Congress, bringing delegates together from around the world to discuss pressing issues affecting consumer welfare. We look forward to sharing our experience in promoting consumer welfare both nationally and regionally as we work towards common solutions with leaders in attendance.”

Dr Willard Mwemba, Director and Chief Executive Officer, of COMESA Competition Commission said, “The hosting of the Congress in Africa demonstrates the commitment both COMESA and increasingly the continent attaches to matters of consumer protection and welfare. The event provides a bedrock to enhance the demands needed from marketplace actors and strengthen competition as a win-win for consumers and economies.”

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