Huawei announces royalty rates for its patent license programs

 Huawei announces royalty rates for its patent license programs

Huawei Forum

One of the world’s patent holders, Huawei, announced royalty rates for its handsets, Wi-Fi, and IoT patent license programs, it said on July 19.

The company’s Chief Legal Officer, Song Liuping said, the company is willing to share cutting-edge innovations in the form of patents with the world and that these will support the common, sustainable development of industries globally.

His remarks were made at Huawei’s annual flagship event on innovation and intellectual property protection in Shenzhen, China under the title “Bridging Horizons of Innovations: Sharing IP, Driving Innovation”.

Over the past 20 years, Huawei has been a major contributor to mainstream ICT standards, such as cellular, Wi-Fi, and multimedia codecs.

The event featured sharing sessions by experts from diverse areas, covering technologies applicable at home, on the go, and at work.

Alan Fan, Vice President and Head of the Intellectual Property Rights Department at Huawei said, “Huawei takes a balanced approach to patent licensing. We believe reasonable royalty rates will incentivize both the creation and adoption of innovations.”

To date, Huawei has entered into almost 200 bi-lateral patent licenses, according to Fan. In addition, over 350 companies have obtained licenses to Huawei’s patents through patent pools. Under these licenses, Huawei’s total past royalty payment is about three times its total royalty collection, and its 2022 licensing revenue amounted to US$560 million.



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