Serere by-election leaves NRM, FDC divided as constituents await their next MP  

 Serere by-election leaves NRM, FDC divided as constituents await their next MP  


Politicians attached to the main political parties – National Resistance Movement (NRM), Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), Alliance For National Transformation (ANT) and the National Unity Platform NUP) are traversing polling areas within Serere County Constituency convincing voters to support their respective candidate for the position of Member of Parliament.


The Parliamentary seat for Serere County fell vacant following the death of the former Member of Parliament, the Late Hon. Patrick Okabe, in a motor accident on December 19, 2022 along Mbale-Tirinyi Road.


Whereas the followers of the campaign for the various candidates say, stakes are high for each of the competitors, the by-election exercise has noted attracted a lot of political ‘noise’ similar to some other past by-elections.


What is also evident is a divided opposition and the ruling party, NRM. Earlier, a senior member of NRM and Deputy Speaker of Parliament RT Hon. Thomas Tayebwa had hinted that the party would front the late Hon. Okabe’s son – Emmanuel Omoding, but the idea was not supported by other party officials. Instead they backed Phillip Oucor. Omoding chose to run as an independent candidate but NRM-leaning, hoping to win largely on a sympathy vote. It is not clear whether he will stay in the race until the end amidst media reports that he is being influenced to opt out by NRM top bosses. 


Veteran politician, Alice Alaso, is running on the ANT ticket and is being backed by Uganda’s largest opposition political party, NUP, headed by Robert Kyagulanyi, aka Bobi Wine. Alaso hopes to win by capitalising on her past experiences as a legislator and the support from NUP. 


Meanwhile, FDC, which has in the past enjoyed popular support in Serere and other areas of Teso sub-region refused to support ANT’s candidate. They fronted their own, Emmanuel Eratu, who is promising to lobby for the welfare of the people once voted into power. Eratu is also promising to cause unity amongst all the people regardless of their political affiliation.


The by-election also attracted one another independent candidate, Martin Onguruco, who has largely campaigned with a message of delivering on infrastructure like roads to support private sector activities.


Going by the different strength of each of the candidates, it might be too early to predict the winner of this race. But the NRM candidate stands a chance to win because of the state machinery behind him.


The ANT candidate (Alaso) cannot be entirely dismissed because of her experience as a former Member of Parliament who is now being supported by NUP, Uganda’s current popular opposition party with just over 50 MPs in the 11th Parliament. If she wins, she will be the only MP to join the 11th Parliament under the ANT ticket. Alaso would probably be more confident if her former party (FDC) had agreed to support her candidature.


It remains to be seen who the best choice for the voters will become on Feb.23.


Serere by-election timeline

  • The by–election programme commenced with an update of the National Voters’ Register from Friday 6thto Tuesday 10th January, 2023 at update stations in each of the thirty-eight (38) parishes and wards in Serere County.
  • The Independent Electoral Commission appointed Tuesday 10thJanuary 2023 as the cut-off date for applying for registration as a voter and for transfer of voting location in the County.
  • The display of the Voters’ Register was conducted for a period of 10 days, that is, from Monday 23rdJanuary to Wednesday 1st February 2023, at all the one hundred thirty-eight (138) polling stations in Serere County.
  • The Display of Parish Tribunal Recommendations for deletion from/or inclusion on the Register was conducted for six days, that is, from Wednesday 1stto Monday 6th February 2023 at the respective Parish/Ward Headquarters.
  • The nomination of candidates was conducted on Thursday 9thand Friday 10th February, 2023 at the Office of the District Returning Officer, Serere.
  • Nominated candidates started campaign meetings for nine nine days, that is, from Monday 13thtill Tuesday 21st February, 2023.
  • Polling and tallying of results for the by-election would be conducted on Thursday 23rdFebruary, 2023.


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